Center for Pathway Experiences
Summer scholarship applications are now available in the Go System.
Refer to "Funding Your Pathway Experience" below for more information.
Schedule an individual appointment with the Center for Pathway Experiences to discuss career goals and strategies to FIND a Pathway opportunity that aligns best with what you are looking for. Explore online resources and learn how to navigate each to enhance your search results.
Handshake: Access internship opportunities through your Handshake account using SOAR credentials. Update your profile and upload your resume.
Career Shift : Search for thousands of internships. Southern Miss students can access this online database with a University Code. Please email to get the FREE code.
LinkedIn: A vehicle for professional networking, allowing you to connect to people and see their profiles. Create your account and keep your profile updated with skills, experiences and recommendations. Recruiters use LinkedIn to source candidates for internships and jobs. For tips on how to complete your profile see the Career Guide on page 19 and become a LinkedIn All-Star!
What Can I Do With My Major: Discover potential internship postings for your major. Search for you major or minor and see the options you have in your field. Whichever you choose, scroll the the bottom of the page for access to job boards, professional association, job outlook, and more.
Pathways Summer Scholarship Program
To help offset the costs of pursuing an internship/pathway experience and to assist with student financial need, The University of Southern Mississippi awards competitive scholarships to undergraduate students who obtain internship or other approved off campus pathway experiences, such as fieldwork, research, etc; meet the eligibility and criteria guidelines of the program; and are selected for participation by the Pathway Scholarship Council. Program requirements may be modified as necessary to ensure compliance with institutional, state and federal guidelines.
CRITERIAThe application will be evaluated based on the criteria below:
- Evidence of a meaningful experience and involvement in significant professional work or research
- Evidence that the experience will provide opportunities to apply academic studies to the work or research experience
- Evidence of preparation by the student for the experience
- Evidence that the experience is related to the student's post-graduation/career goals
- Evidence of financial need to help cover expenses
Confirmation of internship acceptance (Must have been offered and accepted a pathway experience before applying for scholarship)ELIGIBILITYStudent EligibilityHours and Weeks
- Preference will be given to students scheduled to graduate in the 12 months following the application and then to students who will have another year to pursue an internship/pathway as a Southern Miss undergraduate.
- Student must be returning to Southern Miss as a full-time student after their internship to be eligible for a Southern Miss Pathway Scholarship.
- International students must include verification that they are eligible for Curricular Practical Training (CPT).
On-Campus Experiences
- Internships/pathways must be full-time (30-40 hours per week) for a minimum of eight continuous weeks during the SUMMER.
- Alternatives may be considered given equivalent time commitments as applicable.
Special Programs
- Internships on the Southern Miss campus are NOT eligible for a pathway scholarship.
International Experiences
- The Pathways Scholarship Program does not fund workshops, institutes, travel study programs, study abroad, courses or other learning experiences.
Pathway experiences in areas listed on the government sanction list or the U.S. State Department Travel Warning List are not eligible for a scholarship.SCHOLARSHIP AWARDSAmounts awarded to the student will vary based upon the amount of funding provided by the sponsoring organization and the student's demonstration of financial need.APPLYLog in to the GO System, using your SOAR credentials.
- Hover over “Opportunities” and Select “Ours”
- Search for Pathways Summer Scholarship and click the gold “Apply” button
- Students must have already accepted a pathway experience and submit the complete application.
The priority deadline is March 1 but we will continue to take applications until either all funding is accounted for or until May 1.
Questions or need additional help? Contact us at pathwaysFREEMississippi.
Are you completing your undergraduate degree requirements and have completed an internship or other pathway experience? If so, complete the Pathway Reflection linked above to apply for a free Pathway Graduation Cord. Pathway cords will be distributed at cap and gown pick-up prior to commencement.
You must COMPLETE the evaluation in its entirety to receive a cord. Incomplete submissions will not be considered for cord recognition.
Whether your pathway was in the form of an:
- Internship
- Collaborative research
- Practicum/clinical assignment
- Student teaching
- Part-time job related to your career goals, or
- Other fieldwork
you have gained new insights and skills that will serve you well moving forward in your post-graduation goals. Research shows that to maximize your pathway, it is important to stop, reflect, and analyze the experience.
The Pathway Reflection was developed to help guide you through these steps. The time and thought you put into your reflection will contribute to formulating "your story" that you will convey in your resume, cover letters, and interviews.
Completing the reflection will take approximately 15 minutes. It is important to note that if you begin the reflection and need to exit before
submitting, you must return to the same internet browser on the same computer/device
to continue with your responses. You may want to print a copy of the form, prepare
your answers, and enter your responses all at one time.